>> 09 2024

On September 17th, 2024, the Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) department and Binus Corporate Learning and Development (BCLND) of BINUS University organized an online Workshop titled  “Bukukan Idemu: Panduan Praktis Menulis dan Menerbitkan Book Chapter Bereputasi”. The event featured a keynote address by Dr. Ir. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI, the Vice Rector-Student Affairs at BINUS University. The workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in organizing and developing the content of a book chapter effectively, focuses on elucidating various writing techniques and stylistic elements, and address the critical considerations surrounding the publication process and the ethical standards in their writing practices.

Bukukan Idemu: Panduan Praktis Menulis dan Menerbitkan Book Chapter Bereputasi
Dr. Ir. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI
17 September 2024; 10.00-12.00 WIB

On September 09th, 2024, Binus University Syahdan Campus hosted a hybrid workshop titled “Mendukung Scopus Publication dengan Tradisi Ilmiah Baru: Open Data, Open Contributorship, dan Book Chapter”. The event featured a keynote address by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si, the Vice Rector-Research & Technology Transfer at BINUS University. The workshop aimed to explore the significance of open data and the collaborative potential of open contributorship, and book chapters in the contemporary research landscape.

Mendukung Scopus Publication dengan Tradisi Ilmiah Baru: Open Data, Open Contributorship, dan Book Chapter
Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si
09 September 2024; 14.00-16.30 WIB