>> 03 2025


On March 21, 2025, the BINUS University Department of Research and Technology Transfer (RTT)  presented an online workshop named “Master the Art Of Science Communication”. The workshop featured Tommy Prayoga, M.Psi, the Downstreaming Section Head of BINUS University’s Research and Technology Transfer department.  The workshop designed to equip participants with the essential skills for effective science communication. Participants will learn how to transform complicated scientific concepts into simple, engaging content for a wide range of audiences, how to plan public speaking and media interactions, and how to produce compelling messages that appeal with both academic and non-academic communities.  

Master the Art Of Science Communication
Tommy Prayoga, M.Psi
21 March 2025; 14:00-16:00 WIB

On March 21, 2025, the BINUS University Department of Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) and Binus Corporate Learning and Development (BCLND) presented an online workshop named “Strategi Efektif Meningkatkan TRL Karya Ilmiah.” The workshop featured Elioenai Sitepu, Ph.D., the Commercialization Section Head of BINUS University’s Research and Technology Transfer department, and Hendy Risdianto Wijaya, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., the Technology Transfer Senior Specialist of BINUS University’s Research and Technology Transfer department. The workshop intended to provide useful insights and practical ways for researchers and academics to boost the TRL of their scientific research and inventions.

Strategi Efektif Meningkatkan TRL Karya Ilmiah
Elioenai Sitepu, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D; Hendy Risdianto Wijaya, S.T., M.T., Ph.D
21 March 2025; 09:30-11:30 WIB

On March 20, 2025, BINUS University’s Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) department, along with Binus Corporate Learning and Development (BCLND), organized an online workshop titled “Webinar Sukses Hibah PkM Kemendiktisaintek.” The workshop featured insightful coaching from distinguished speakers Luthfi Ilham Ramdhani, S.Sos, who holds the position of Coordinator of the Community Service Division at the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and Dr. Maryani, S.Kom, MMSI, as Faculty Member at Binus University and awardee of the 2024 Dikti Community Service Grant (PkM). 

This workshop aimed to provide participants with essential strategies for successfully preparing and submitting a PkM proposal to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the key factors that contribute to a winning proposal, including expert insights on the PkM grant process, tips for improving proposal quality, and practical advice on increasing the chances of securing the Dikti PkM Grant.

Webinar Sukses Hibah PkM Kemendiktisaintek
Luthfi Ilham Ramdhani, S. Sos; Dr. Maryani, S.Kom, MMSI
20 March 2025; 14:00-16:00 WIB

The BINUS University department of Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) and Binus Corporate Learning and Development (BCLND) hosted an online workshop on March 19, 2025, titled “Ethical AI in Research: Crafting Papers with Artificial Intelligence.” The workshop aimed to  address the ethical considerations and best practices when using artificial intelligence tools in academic research and paper writing, focusing on the responsible integration of AI in research workflows.  Insightful mentoring from Prof. Dr. Sani Muhamad Isa, S.Si., M.Kom., a prominent specialist from BINUS University, helped participants navigate the subtleties of AI-driven research tools and the possible dangers of relying too much on them.

Ethical AI in Research: Crafting Papers with Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Sani Muhamad Isa, S.Si., M.Kom.
19 March 2025; 14:00-16:00 WIB

On the 18th of March 2025, BINUS University hosted an insightful online workshop titled “Manajemen Keuangan Hibah Penelitian DIKTI”. The workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the procedural and regulatory frameworks that govern the allocation and management of research grants. Through this, participants were ensured to be well-informed about the latest policies and best practices in financial governance. The opening speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi.,M.Si, the Vice Rector-Research & Technology Transfer at BINUS University. The workshop featured insightful coaching from distinguished speakers by Erlin Puspaputri, S.Si.,M.Sc who holds the position as Research Coordinator of Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Services at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. 

Manajemen Keuangan Hibah Penelitian DIKTI
Erlin Puspaputri, S.Si., M.Sc.
18 March 2025; 14.00-16.00

On March 13th, 2025, the Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) at the Anggrek Campus of BINUS University organized a hybrid workshop titled “Empowering Innovation: Training of Trainers (ToT) on Boosting Student Creativity through PKM.” The workshop featured insightful coaching from distinguished speakers, including Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University; Prof. Dr. Ir. Yohannes K., S.Kom., S.E., MMSI, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at BINUS University; and Dr. Wachyu Hari H., S.Kom, M.M., a lecturer at the BINUS Entrepreneurship Center and a National PKM Reviewer for Diktiristek.

This workshop aimed to equip students with the skills needed to draft competitive PKM proposals. Participants learned about review standards, enhanced their creativity, and received feedback to improve proposal quality. Additionally, the workshop focused on strategies for securing funding and participating in PIMNAS by optimizing key aspects such as substance, novelty, and implementation. It also sought to foster a culture of active student involvement in PKM within departments to enhance annual outcomes.

Empowering Innovation: ToT on Boosting Student Creativity through PKM
Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si; Prof. Dr. Ir. Yohannes K., S.Kom., S.E., MMSI; Dr. Wachyu Hari H., S.Kom, M.M.
13 March 2025; 09.00-12.00 WIB

On March 04th, 2025 in Anggrek Campus, BINUS University, Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) organized a hybrid Workshop titled “Pra-Workshop Intensif Data Paper Scopus Batch 5” .  This workshop featured insightful coaching by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si, the Vice Rector-Research & Technology Transfer at BINUS University. 

The workshop aimed to offer Faculty Member (FM) the opportunity to explore essential aspects of research data management, thereby equipping them with the necessary skills to maintain accurate and well-organized data. This initiative was designed to enhance the preparation of scholarly articles for publication in Scopus-indexed journals, ensuring that these articles conformed to high academic standards and adhered to ethical research practices, including data integrity, transparency, and accountability. Ultimately, the workshop aimed to empower FM participants to produce high-quality scholarly work that would make a significant contribution to their respective fields of study.

Pra-Workshop Intensif Data Paper Scopus Batch 5
Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si
04 March 2025; 14.00-16.00 WIB