
The Use of Online Speech Recognition Technology to Assess the Speaking and Writing Competency of EFL Students in the English Test Preparation Clases (SCOPUS)

Type of Publication
Journal Article
Dewi . I. I, Suprato . D and Rifai I. (2016). The Use of Online Speech Recognition Technology to Assess the Speaking and Writing Competency of EFL Students in the English Test Preparation Clases (SCOPUS). Advanced Science Letters, 22 (5), 1299-1302
  • Dr. Dra. Ienneke Indra Dewi, S.Th., M.Hum.

    Dr. Dra. Ienneke Indra Dewi, S.Th., M.Hum.

  • Dra. Djuria Suprato, S.Pd., M.Hum.

    Dra. Djuria Suprato, S.Pd., M.Hum.

  • Irfan Rifai, S.Pd., M.Ed.

    Irfan Rifai, S.Pd., M.Ed.