RIG Cross Cultural Communication

Research Interest Group - Cross Cultural Communication, a.k.a. RIG CrossComm, is a group of researchers formed by Binus University. The group consists of researchers with various background and experiences, such as marketing communication, culture communication, clinical psychology, digital media, information technology, information system, instructional technology, English literature and environment communication. Various methodology of research are used. Experimental method and participatory observation are used in branding, digital media, family, culture communication and information technology as the media. Other method like interpretative, survey and online media are also used to collect and process the data. This RIG was formed in Binus University with more than 30 thousands college students and a huge number of alumni all around the world in various scope of work. With more than 135 domestic and overseas partner campuses, a lot of collaboration researches are conducted under the RIG. Binus campuses are located in several locations in Indonesia; Jakarta, Serpong, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang and Palembang. Data can be collected from those huge number of students and alumni with the support from lecturers and researchers in the respective campus. Researches in RIG CrossComm are conducted according to the time frame and accurate that will support companies/organizations to find the problems and appropriate solutions. For instance, a research related to a web review was conducted through usability testing and soon found out the problem and resolved it with the use of technology and cross culture review.

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Service Excellence Survey

This research provides a complete data on the quality of services carried out by the company / institution, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the services, how to improve customer satisfaction to make business grow fast, from the perspective of Marketing Communication and Psychology. Services are measured by participation observation and survey to the audience.

PIC : Ulani Yunus, Esther Widhi Andangsari, Mario Nugroho.

Branding and Communication

This research provides a guidance on the position of the product brand / company, provides solutions to maintain / strengthen the brand strategy according to the results obtained. Brand in the perspective of Marketing Communication, Cultural Communication, Environmental Communication,  Health Communication, Digital Media, and Education. Methods: Interpretive reinforced interviews with experts in their fields.

PIC : Dr. Ulani Yunus, Dr. Yenni Siswantini, Bhernadetta (Cdt. Doctor), Gayes Mahestu, M.Si, Meilani Dhamayanti (Cdt. Doctor). Aloysius Bernanda Gunawan, Mario Nugroho.

Assessment and Review

This research conducts a review of the activities and digital media used by companies / organizations such as: Cyber ​​Security, Websites, Emotions in  Work, CSR activities, articles or company information content, and scientific articles in English. Method: Experiments and Focus Group Discussions.

PIC : Anindito, Aloysius Bernanda Gunawan, Esther Widhi Andangsari, Ulani Yunus, Mario.


Preliminary Study Subang Project

Preliminary Study Subang Project Sebuah Review untuk Menghindari Kerugian Investasi dan Kesalahan Strategi Team: Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, MM., Dr. Pantri Heriyati, M. Com., ASL. readmore

By: Ulani Yunus

Bagaimana Kualitas Pelayanan Dinas Pemberdayaan Perlindungan Anak dan Pengendalian Penduduk Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada Kelompok Anak Pemulung KEJAR SIWALI

PROJECT: Survey Pelayanan Kualitas Dari DPPAPP- Pemprov DKI Jakarta  Bagaimana Kulaitas Pelayanan Dinas Pemberdayaan Perlindungan Anak dan Pengendalian Penduduk Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada Kelompok Anak Pemulung readmore

By: Ulani Yunus

Assessment and Review Web: Wonderful Indonesia

One of the promotional activities of Wonderful Indonesia is through advertising on television (TVC), both Indonesia national television, as well as pay-tv which aired in readmore

By: Ulani Yunus

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