1. Paper Registration

Q : How do I submit my paper?

A : The paper is submitted via APSKI-ICE email: by writing the email subject line “Paper Submission”. In addition, write in your email the main publication preferences expected: Scopus/Sinta/MyCite/Proceeding only, and confirm it through the form listed on the website.

Q : Will my paper be automatically accepted according to the first preference?

A : No, your paper will go through a review process. However, we will prioritize the review based on your top preference.

Q : What if my paper does not meet the requirements in the first preference?

A : You will be given the suggestions for options in the results of the review. You have the option of withdrawing your paper or continuing to attend the conference as another option.

Q : I would like to confirm that I have successfully sent my paper. Would I receive the email notification regarding my paper submission?

A : No, but once you complete your submission confirmation form, you can choose to get the message.

Q : I need to know the deadline for the paper submission.

A : The due date for submissions can be found at

Q : Can I submit more than one paper?

A : The number of papers that can be submitted is unlimited. You are allowed to submit several papers.

2. Paper length and template

Q : Can I submit 10 pages of content and 1,5 pages of references?

A : The reviewer will provide feedback to you for initial submission with a maximum of 12 pages (including references), and may, if required, suggest fewer pages.

Q : Aside from the 10 minimum pages of content ad reference, are there any other requirements in terms of font size, margins, and line spacing?

A : Yes, a number of revisions will be needed according to the template after you obtain the results of the review and the acceptance letter.

3. Withdrawing my submission

Q : Registered my paper before the intention-to-submit deadline but I no longer wish to submit my paper. Can I withdraw my intention-to-submit?

A : Yes, you can withdraw your paper via email to Furthermore, you will get a confirmation of your withdrawal from the committee.

4. Registration Fees

Q : How do I get the information regarding the early bird and regular fee?

A : The complete information is available at

5. Percentage of Plagiarism

Q : What is the acceptable percentage of plagiarism?

A : You will receive the results of the review from the reviewer along with, if necessary, a reduction in the percentage of plagiarism for the initial submission that needs less than 25%.

6. Paper Index

Q : Can I get the information on how my paper index is progressing once it has been accepted?

A : The information will be sent to you by email.