RHC: A Dataset for In-Room and Out-Room Human Counting
In recent years, research in human counting from CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) images have found an increasing demand to be deployed in real-world applications. The applications have been implemented in various settings, both indoor and outdoor. In the case of indoor setting, we found a type of room setting that conveys a problem to human counting model if we need to count only humans inside a room. With this respect, we present RHC (Room Human Counting) dataset, which images are captured in the aforementioned setting. The dataset can be used to develop a robust model that can differentiate between humans inside and outside a room.
The dataset is publicly available at https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/vt5c8h6kmh/1
International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2020
Bens Pardamean, Hery Harjono Muljo, Faizal Abid, Herman Herman, Albert Susanto, and Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro