NVIDIA DLI Workshop with Universitas Widya Gama

On 27th August 2024, a hybrid NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) Ambassador workshop is organized for 35 Information Technology academic community members from Universitas Widya Gama, comprising undergraduate students and lecturers. The trainer in this DLI workshop is Ir. Kuncahyo Setyo Nugroho, a certified instructor in NVIDIA Fundamentals of Deep Learning course, who is also an AI research assistant at BDSRC|AIRDC and an alumnus from Universitas Widya Gama. The event starts with a welcome from Aviv Yuniar Rahman, ST., MT., the chairman of Universitas Widya Gama Information Technology (IT) Department. He thanked Ir. Kuncahyo Setyo Nugroho for his willingness to give back to Universitas Widya Gama what he had learned and experienced. The event then continued to the core materials of the NVIDIA deep learning workshop, starting from deep learning basics and further to hands-on experience programming using TensorFlow.
Discussion for potential AI research collaboration occurred on the next day. It starts with an introduction to AIRDC, including its ongoing research, members, and GPU computational power. Appeared at the discussion are the representatives from Universitas Widya Gama, which are Syahroni Wahyu Iriananda, S.Kom., MT. as the secretary of Universitas Widya Gama Information Technology Department, Dr. Istiadi, ST., MT. as the head of Universitas Widya Gama Quality Assurance, Fitri Marisa, S.Kom., M.Pd., Ph.D as the head of Universitas Widya Gama Research and Community Service, and the head of IT department, Aviv Yuniar Rahman, ST., MT. During the discussion, one topic becomes the center of discussion, as it resembles the characteristic of Malang City where Universitas Widya Gama resides. The topic is a classification of tempeh maturity from tempeh images. Although other AI topics are suggested, none are as compelling as the tempeh maturity classification. The discussion concluded with further follow-up on the topic as a potential research collaboration between AIRDC and Universitas Widya Gama.