Reconnecting Meeting with Our Partner: TechBridge Ventures

After the situation gradually improved from the restrictions caused by COVID-19, the Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Center (AIRDC) BINUS University had the opportunity to hold a meeting to reconnect with its partners.
AIRDC received a visit from Mr. Voon Yee, the CEO of TechBridge Ventures, on Thursday, 28 July 2022, in the RTT Office meeting room. TechBridge Ventures is an international Technology Commercialization company based in Singapore that was involved in the AIRDC’s collaboration project related to developing the Robotic Palm Fruit Grabber with INSTIPER.
Welcomed by AIRDC senior researcher Dr. Dedy Ariansyah, Operation Section Head Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa, and team members who were present at the time. To reconnect the existing relationship, at this meeting, each party updated the institution’s development and discussed the possibility of cooperation that might be carried out in the future.