AI R&D Center Presented a Research Proposal for RISPRO Invitation Grant 2020

On 16 June 2020, Productive Research Program of Educational Fund Management Institution (LPDP RISPRO) virtually visits NVIDIA – BINUS AI R&D Center, Research and Technology Transfer Bina Nusantara University for LPDP RISPRO Research Grant. In this virtual visitation, NVIDIA – BINUS AI R&D Center team presented a research proposal to be funded by RISPRO Invitation Grant 2020. The presentation delivered by Dr. Bens Pardamean, the Head of AI R&D Center as well as the Head of BDSRC with the Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer, Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D.
This proposal is compatible with the theme of the RISPRO Invitation Grant 2020: “Research and Development of Technology/Product related to the application of Making Indonesia 4.0.” We applied for this grant with a proposal titled “The Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology for the Internet of Things Solution for Monitoring and Adjusting the Environment of Aquaculture Ponds.” All research collaborators from Jenderal Soedirman University, PT. IIS, and the Indonesian Chana Striata Farmers Society (MIGI) participated in the presentation.