NVIDIA DLI Ambassador Workshop, Hasanuddin University

In February 6th, 2018, NVIDIA – BINUS AI R&D Center held a full-day Deep Learning Institute (DLI) Ambassador Workshop in collaboration with Mulawarman University. This workshop was held to enhance the knowledge and skill of Deep Learning for academics and student in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This workshop is opened by Prof. Dr. Moh. Ivan Azis, M.Sc., Vice Dean of Mathematics and Science Faculty, Hasanuddin University. After the opening speech, Dr. Bens Pardamean, Head of AI R&D Center, elaborated the activities in AI R&D Center.
This workshop began with Deep Learning Demystified presentation brought by Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, S.Kom, M.TI, NVIDIA DLI Certified Instructor. The presentation was about the history and working behavior of Deep Learning. After the presentation, the attendees took a hands-on in Image Classification with DIGITS. This hands-on guided the attendees on how to create Deep Learning model for image classification using DIGITS, a deep learning development system from NVIDIA.
In the next session, the attendees took a self-paced lab in Object Detection with DIGITS. This lab enhanced the skills of attendees in using DIGITS for object detection problem. In the last session, the attendees have another lab for Deep Learning model development using TensorRT, a deployment library built by NVIDIA. This workshop was then closed by panel discussion led by Dr. Eng. Armin Lawi, M.Eng, Head of Computer Science Program, Hasanuddin University. The topic of the discussion is AI research collaboration strategy in Makassar.