NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) Symposium

NVIDIA AI Technology Center’s inaugural regional research symposium has been successfully held on August 29-30th, 2018. This symposium had a strong regional representation with scientists and researchers from majority South East Asian countries such as  Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. In this region we are seeing a fast increasing focus on AI, evidenced by various factors such as launch of national AI initiatives. As such, the symposium’s key objective was to rally AI experts from academics background with the vision to forge a regional AI community and foster impactful regional research collaborations.

In moving towards the vision, the symposium’s agenda was centered around:

  1. Presentations and sharing of research projects from various universities in the region,
  2. Group discussions on “Future of AI” with sub-topics:
  • AI Growth: “Impactful AI technologies to be researched moving forward”
  • AI Challenges: “Factors that can impede AI research progress”
  • Formation of Regional AI Research Community

In this occasion, Indonesian delegation were represented by researchers from several universities including Bina Nusantara University, Universitas of Indonesia (UI), Gajah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Technological Intitute (ITB), Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW), and Duta Wacana University.

Bina Nusantara University as the only NVIDIA AI R&D Center in Indonesia presented our two major projects under the center. The first project is related to precision agriculture in collaboration with Great Giant Pineapple Co. The second one is a joint research with Eureka Analytic Co which focused on the telco data modeling.

We also had a chance to visit Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) at the last day of the event. We are introduced to some of their labs and research centers.

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