International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology 2017 2-4 November 2017, Salatiga, Indonesia

In 2-4 November 2017, Satya Wacana Christian University held an International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology in Salatiga, Indonesia. In this conference, BINUS AI R&D Center has a chance to present three research papers. The first paper was presented by Rezzy Eko Caraka, entitled “Hybrid Support Vector Regression in Electric Load During National Holiday Season.” In the presentation, Rezzy elaborated the result of this research by comparing several regression method for predicting electric load.

The second presentation was brought by Arif Budiarto, which topic was “Computer Vision-Based Visitor Study as A Decision Support System for Museum.” Arif explained a method of using computer vision system for decision making in museum management. Lastly, Wawan Cenggoro presented the result of a research entitled “Classification of Imbalanced Land-Use/Land-Cover Data Using Variational Semi-Supervised Learning.” This research aims to solve imbalance data problem in remote sensing images.