AI R&D Center Visitation to LAPAN Remote Sensing Earth Station Parepare

On November 23rd, 2017, AI R&D Center team visited LAPAN Remote Sensing Earth Station in Parepare. This visitation aims to establish collaboration between BINUS University and LAPAN in developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) system using satellite imagery data. AI R&D Center team was welcomed by the head of LAPAN Remote Sensing Earth Station Parepare, Sutan Takdir Ali Munawar, B. Eng..

In this visitation, engineers from LAPAN Remote Sensing Earth Station Parepare explain how they collect the satellite imagery data and process them before they are ready to be used for analysis in LAPAN Headquarters. LAPAN engineers also showed samples of high-resolution satellite imagery data they captured. AI R&D Center team and LAPAN engineers also discussed the possible applications of satellite imagery and how to utilize AI in those applications.