Archie (The Association of Researchers in Communication, Humanities, Information Systems and Engineering) accommodates researchers from various fields of science in various institutions to hold a Webinar entitled “Research Applications in the World of Communication, Humanities and Technology” on Thursday, April 22, 2021. The Webinar was presenting Dr. Tatang Mutaqin from Bappenas, Dr. Eng Rando Tungga Dewa from the Defense University and Dr.Arif Budi Wurianto from UMM. Presenting the keynote speaker of ARCHIE founder and leader of Rig Crosscom, Dr. Ulani Yunus from Binus University. This webinar aims to open a space for discussion on the application of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the public and private sectors.
The webinar which was attended by around 150 lecturers from various universities, was also the launching momentum for the establishment of ARCHIE (The Association of Researchers in Communication, Humanities, Information System and Engineering). The background for the establishment of ARCHIE is the need for academics as well as researchers to be affiliated with the international community in answering various problems, both societal and humanitarian issues. The presence of ARCHIE is expected to contribute both privately, socially and globally. It is also hoped that the research output can encourage welfare and can increase Indonesia’s Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 which is currently at level 50 out of 141 countries, as well as increasing Indonesia’s Global Innovation Index which is currently rank 85 out of 131 countries.
This association is expected to be a medium for researchers, academics and practitioners in the fields of communication, humanities, informatics, and technology from Indonesia and abroad to exchange ideas, collaborate to produce works that are beneficial to people around the world. This association carries a mission to create Indonesian and foreign researchers with integrity, professional, global competitiveness, progress and side with humanity. In realizing this vision, the association sets a vision for the next 15 years, namely: (1) Increasing the professionalism of ethical researchers; (2) upholding the code of ethics and behavior of researchers, hereinafter referred to as the Code of Ethics and Behavior of researchers (KEPP) related to research, development and assessment tasks; (3) Providing support for the enforcement of human rights (HAM) for researchers related to research, development and study tasks; (4) fighting for the intellectual rights of researchers and the welfare of researchers; (5) provide access to facilities for researchers; and (6) building synergy between researchers of Ministry research institutes, Non-Ministerial Institutions, central government, and districts / cities; Universities, private sector and international institutions to produce science and technology that is useful for humanity.
Archie Gelar Webinar, Buka Ruang Diskusi Penerapan Riset Multi dan Inter Disiplin