On 21 April 2020, coincide with Kartini’s day celebration RIG CrossComm of Binus University held their 1st webinar series entitled: “Tetap Bahagia di Kala WFH.” This event inspired by two important things, first is happiness the most popular topics of all time, and the second is the gait of Raden Adjeng Kartini, an aristocratic Javanese woman and a pioneer of education for girls and women’s right for Indonesians. This webinar was special cause all the participants required to wear Kebaya (National dress of Indonesians Women) and face mask due to Covid-19 situation, therefore we can memorize one day that we are all ever been celebrate the Kartini’s day during Pandemi. At the end of the session, the participant were requested to post their thought and definition about happiness on their social media based on the discussion or how the webinar have inspired them.
The situation during webinar
There are many condition that caused by Covid-19, the most common is WFH (Work From Home) and SFH (School From Home) which in Jakarta, Indonesia started from 20 March 2020. Some people start enjoying the WFH condition, even get more creative and busy with domestic and household things – coking in every 2 hours, and got more vegetables and fruit to harvesting from their own garden –, being healthier because have more time in doing yoga or Zumba, while some of them still adjust and adapt, but many of them are struggling with deeply anxiety and uncertainty even lost the loving feeling for the things that they have done. The big question then arised, how could we be still HAPPY in facing this pandemic and uncertainty feelings?
The routine that suddenly changes can affect emotions, including happiness. Dr. Esther Widi Andangsari, M.Si, Psycholog stated that based on Positive Psychology of Seligman, happiness is PERMA, consist of Pleasure, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. In seeking of pleasure we have to focus on something that make our positive emotions spread farther and have positive perspective as often as we can. Find hobby or activity that makes us happy and feel engaged. Find ways to connect or reconnected with your colleagues, friends, family, focus and calling back all the good memories to maintain the relationships. Dig in deeper within your soul to find a purpose and meaning of your life, from meditation, find another motivation, be grateful and thankful in any condition and under any circumstances. Change your perspective on achievement or accomplishment from yourself to a teamwork. Therefore in this case, maintaining happiness or how to be happy during this uncertainty and anxiety condition is being selfless and move the focus into the other people around us instead of focusing on our self. The ultimate happiness can actually be achieved when we are able to make others happy. There is another good things from Seligman, fortunately he said that disaster is only temporary and optimism can always be learned.
The human body consists of thousands of cells that change every month. Imagine if we filled the cell with pessimism, bad thoughts, anger, despair, and hopeless words; but imagine if we do the opposite, we filled it with the optimism, motivation, thankful, cheers, hope, laughter, happiness. The cells are neutral, we will become just the same as we said every single day to it. Therefore we better fill optimism to our neutral cells, because what we think and what we said will become us in real.From Kartini’s legacy and this enlightening webinar, we learn that happiness means to help people in gaining their happiness. “Happiness is no longer about our self, happiness is about the people around us that feels deeply happy because of what we do for them.” That is the ultimate happiness. (BPW)