IDIK’s Book Review

On Wednesday, November 27, 2019 there was an event held by UNIKOM called “Bedah Buku Anggota IDIK” in UNIKOM University Auditorium, Bandung. The event was sponsored by IDIK (Ikatan Doktor Komunikasi Indonesia) in order to celebrate their 2nd anniversary and also supported by Telkomsel and Simbiosa Rekatama Media. Before the event began, there was a little surprise from the committee. The audience and the speakers were quite surprised, but also happy. The event was hosted by UNIKOM. The MC guiding and opening the event named Tryas, and a moderator named Dr. Karso Saminurahmat, MM.
There were 3 speakers which are going to explain one by one about their newly launched books. There were Dr. Husnita S.E., M.Si, CPR , Dr. Riniwaty Makmur, M.M., M.Si , and Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M. Firstly, the moderator showed us the information about the speakers. About the speakers description, careers, and their creations. Firstly, Ms. Husnita explained about her book called Humanoid Communication. She explained to the audience what the book is all about, she also brings her work partner in Telkomsel. continued by Ms. Ulani talked about her book “Digital Branding”. She taught us to have our own branding image, of course positive branding image. She explained that having a self branding is very important, especially for work fields. Last speaker is Ms. Riniwaty , and she talked about her newly launched book “Media Relations Di Balik Layar”. She explained that the book is more about of working in PR role.
After the speakers finished with their materials, there was QnA session with the audience. The audience were very interactive since the materials related to their field, Communication. After the QnA has finished, this event provides souvenirs for the questioners and for the speakers. Last but not least, something that the audience have been waiting for is to buy the newly launched books by the speakers outside of the Auditorium. It was conducted by team from Simbiosa Rekatama Media. See you on another IDIK events!