ICCD 2019 “Green Development In Industrial Communicty 4.0”

The 2nd International Conference on Community Development was held at Horison Hotel, Ciledug on Wednesday, November 20th 2019, with the theme of “Green Development In Industrial Community 4.0”.
Mrs. Ulani, the leader of RIG CrossComm present the paper about empowerment the underprevillaged youth. Two internship students of RIG CrossComm, Astrid Fahira and Della Novanty, went there to make article about the event.This conference has 150 participants consisted of student, lecturers and practitioners. They also invited the government side, Ir. Agus Muharam, the second person from the ministry of UKM cooperatives.
“This is an international conference that concerns about community development. “ said Mrs. Inge as the chairman of this conference. The world is facing global problems, which is environmental problems. This conference was created to discuss and talk about ideas related to community service.
“This is an International Conference of Community Development, which supported by five big Universities in Jakarta. The goals of this conference is to gather IDIK’s knowledge on community service.” said Mrs. Retno, Manager Community Development BINUS University. This conference was supported by 5 Universities in Jakarta, BINUS University, Budi Luhur University, Mercu Buana University, Prof. Dr. Moestopo University, and Sahid University.
This conference has been held for 2 years, since 2018. This year is the second conference. Since it is an annual event, the 3rd International Conference on Community Development will be held again next year!