KORWIL ASPIKOM Jabodetabek 2019

ASPIKOM (Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi llmu Komunikasi) has been held for the fourth time on Wednesday, September 11, 2019. This event take place in the Auditorium Prof. Djajusman Sudirman Park, LSPR University. This event is a seminar event, invited lecturers from various universities in Jakarta, such as BINUS University, London School of Public Relations, Gunadarma University, Paramadina University, and many more. Not only seminar, at this event also sells books published by university lecturers, one of them is a book from Mrs. Ulani, namely Digital Branding.
All the participants were having so much fun joining this event, because they can meet and gather around with communication lecturers from various university. The event was opened by the MC and followed by a speech from Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, as the founder of the LSPR campus. Then after Mrs. Prita’s speech, continued with the opening by a vocal group from LSPR. The performance was quite amazing! the participants enjoyed it a lot. There are 3 speakers and 1 moderator on this event with different topics. The 3 speakers are Dr. M. Sulhan. M. Si as the leader of ASPIKOM Pusat, Dr. Ulani Yunus, M.M. as the RIG Leader in BINUS University, and Dr. Bambang Pratama as the lecture of Business Law study. The moderator is Dr. Aan Widodo, as the Dean of Communication Faculty of Ubhara Jaya. Mr. Sulhan raised the topic about accreditation of communication study programs and curriculum development orientation, he explained about how the ASPIKOM is formed and facts about ASPIKOM.
ASPIKOM was formed in 2007, having a lot of members from 13 different regional coordinators, and also speaking about the scope of work in ASPIKOM. Ms. Ulani explained about Research in the Collaboration between University and Industry. Before Mrs. Ulani explained her presentation, she and the audience played a game named Kahoot. The game was fun and around 80 people were involved. The one who wins will get a special goodie bag from RIG Binus. Last but not least, Mr. Bambang explained his presentation and it is about intellectual property rights and protection of personal data in cyber law. This event was held successfully because the speakers, the moderator, the mc, and the performance was amazing. See you on the next ASPIKOM event, lecturers!