Training: Research In The Collaboration Between University and Industry

On Monday, August 12th 2019, the 16th PDFestival was held training with the theme of Collaboration & Industry. This event invited various participants namely lecturers from various majors. This event was held in the M2CD room, Syahdan Campus, Binus University. This research training was delivered by Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M., as the RIG Leader and by Miss Bhernadetta Pravita Wahyuningtyas as Co-Trainer and assisted by two internship students of RIG CrossComm, Astrid Fahira and Della Novanty. The purpose of this training is participants would understand more how to collaborate with industry research, participants would be able to recognize the needs of research in the industry, and also participants would be able to prepare research proposals needed by industry.
The agenda of the training is how to get the industry interested in our research, how to convince them that the research results contribute to them, and how to develop research proposals for collaboration with industry. As the ice breaker, Dra. Ulani held a game that can build concentration to participants. The game was very fun yet concentrating. Furthermore, Dra. Ulani began to discuss one by one about the material. The first topic is about discussion of Research and development (R&D) and expansion of the university’s role in research. Then discuss the successful factors, academia & industrial expectations, how to fill industrial needs, comparing organizational culture between universities and industries, the obstacles to successful collaboration, and also about the tangible outcomes. This training condition was very conducive, but it still felt exciting. Many questions and answers occurred between participants and the speaker, which made this training event feel more exciting yet still useful for research and industry needs. Last but not least, we didn’t forget to take pictures in order to remember this day event. See you on the next RIG event, participants!