Team of RIG CrossComm Binus University and Appalachian State University
Cross Cultural things will not take for granted anymore, that shows from the enthusiasm of Appalachian States University delegations that come to Binus University on their first day of Academic Visit (7/8/2019). The Cross Cultural Communication topics were delivered by Dr Ulani Yunus – Leader of RIG CrossComm and her team, which consist of Bhernadetta Pravita and Joice Luke that day. Four of the most popular childhood games of Indonesia were delivered and explained by the Team of RIG CrossComm and played perfectly by the Delegations of Appalachian State University that consist of drama professors, music teacher, history teachers, and students. The games from RIG CrossComm were HomPimPa, Sasalimpetan, Jamuran, and Congklak, those games were chosen because there are lots of meaning and philosophy behind it, and full of cross cultural content that can learned by everybody to understand the way of life and thinking from another culture as well. The HomPimPa tell us about life that very dynamic, you could be on the top of the world but in a very moment you coul be deep down under. The Sasalimpetan tell us about how to lead the pack. The Jamuran tell us about the ability to learn to be led by other and be very calm in awaits for our turn. Meanwhile Congklak tell us about how to make a strategy to win over every situation and condition in our life. The excitement unstoppable when the delegations of Appalachian State University shows their childhood game as well which call double this double that. That games tell us about how to build connection with another person and being so empathetic with them. Childhood games taught us the meaningful of understanding in cross cultural communication for our life ahead. (BPW)