Research on The Impact of Visual Aid Presentation Learning Method

On 10 April 2019, one of RIG member, Mario Nugroho Willyarto, S.Kom., M.Pd., together with his colleague, David Werhoru, S.S., M.Si., and their college students, Satya and Rivaldo, were discussing on research that is correlating on what is the impact of students doing visual aid presentation to their improvements, either academically or behaviorally. On the other side, Satya and Rivaldo are able to experience research by themselves, especially for Satya as Magister Management student.
From left to right: Mr. David, Satya, Mr. Mario, Rivaldo.
This research is using a qualitative descriptive method. Of course, this is challenging for us, since the qualitative method is requiring the researcher’s expertise in interpreting data. By the guidance from Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M., as the RIG Leader, we are sure that we will able to conduct the research well. The research is funded by Binus University on the basis of the internal research grant. Mario, as the team leader, was delegating tasks to all member accordingly to their competencies. Rivaldo and Satya are to collect data, while Pak David will prepare the output of the research, which is a published article in SCOPUS indexed journal/proceeding. The summary of the research will be published here as well.