Apprehending Inter-ethnic Harmonization

“In Tangerang, the Chinese community known as the Cina Benteng, is able to blend in with the origins,” said Dr. Ulani Yunus, M.M., one of the researchers from Binus University, a Cultural Communication practitioner, and the RIG Leader of Cross-Cultural Communication, Binus University, Jakarta). According to her, based on history, Chinese people have existed in the city of Tangerang since the year 1400, and now almost a quarter of the total population of Tangerang City is dominated by this ethnic descendant. “The existence of Chinese people has brought variation to the local culture. It can be seen from the style of chatting, culinary, places of worship, and others,” she said. Nevertheless, continued Ulani, ethnic diversity in the city of Tangerang did not become a trigger for disharmony in community life. Indeed, with the presence of various ethnicities, it brings uniqueness and attractiveness to the City of Tangerang.
On Sunday, 7 April 2019, some members of RIG, Bhernadetta Pravita Wahyuningtyas, S. Sos., M. Si., Mario Nugroho Willyarto, S.Kom., M. Pd., with Dr. dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M., the leader, were attending the launching and the discussion of two books: Sisi Lain Kota Tangerang (The Other Story of Tangerang City) and Mozaik Kota Tangerang (The Mosaic of Tangerang).
“The books, titled Sisi Lain Kota Tangerang (The Other Story of Tangerang City) and Mozaik Kota Tangerang (The Mosaic of Tangerang), was launched on April 7, 2019 at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta,” said Ulani who was the keynote speaker at the event. The author of the books, dra. Tantry Widiyanarti, M.Sc., said that through this book she wanted to show the reader that the stereotype of Chinese people, especially the Cina Benteng is not true. “The assumption that Chinese people are exclusive and difficult to interact with local people is wrong. In fact, Chinese people can interact and get along with the origins well,” said Tantry. The two books were the subject of discussion from several speakers, such as Dr. Munawar Holil. M.A., a lecturer from FIB UI, Head of FIB UI Philology Laboratory, Diana Anggraeni, M.M., M.Ikom, a lecturer from Pancasila University FIKOM, Rully Yose, M.Ikom, a practitioner of Visual Communication Design and a lecturer from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang.
The discussion was very interesting and inspiring to create a better place to live in a harmonious environment, especially people in a big city in Indonesia. In accordance with our country philosophy “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika“, hopefully, we, as the Indonesian people will be able to live in peace no matter what the difference is.