Experience as Junior Researcher in RIG (research interest group) Cross Cultural Communication

In my 5thsemester of tertiary education, my campus (Binus University) obliged all students to involve in enrichment program where students could experience real working situation. There were four tracks of this program; internship, research, abroad study and community development. I chose the research track due to my interest in discovering something through scientific methodology and my willing to develop soft skill during the research.
I was very grateful to be accepted in RIG (research interest group) Cross Cultural Communication which was located in Anggrek Campus of Binus University, and I was placed as junior researcher for first 4 months. I was trusted to run a research related to the media consumption under the supervision of Mrs. Ulani. Beside my main activity in the research, I also do some projects such as:
- Mixed Marriage Project
In this project I was assigned to construct definition of mixed marriage which actually been done previously, and to make questions related to trust, respect and balance in power, where these three aspects would be used in the upcoming application. I was also asked to assemble the final score of these three aspects as the application would be called ‘Harmony’so that the user would finally be informed by the app as if his/her relationship was in harmonyor not.
- Video Project of RIG Cross Cultural Communication
In this project, I was actively involved in the creation of RIG video profile presenting the three main services; excellence survey, branding and communication, assessment and review. The video was made in the animation platform.
- Research on the Media Consumption
This research was done through the open questionnaire and through giving some questions about the TV program (specifically in the most watched program), time of watching the program and other questions related to the media consumption. The respondents were ranged from 3 to 50 years old.
After being involved in many projects I could finally conclude more comprehensive image of Indonesian society media consumption, so that I could also present the final result of my research as RIG reference and to be delivered to TV stations. This information was essential for them, since they could be informed of what was the most interesting program among society. Besides, I also experienced many situations while communicating with people when I distribute the questionnaires to the respondents. Thus, I could know the way of good communication.
I accumulated many advantages through this enrichment program, as I could directly learn many things related to my major in the University (for instance: comprehensive imagery of media consumption among Indonesian society, which I could know it previously only through Google, reports and journals). By actively involved in research and projects, I could witness my own self-development through direct involvement in working the project, having more wide perspective of any case as I also felt to be well-experienced. Having a good chance to do my enrichment program in RIG Cross Cultural Communication also allowed me to get in touch with many experts in many fields.