3+1 = BINUS’ Excellence

3+1 is an excellence program of BINUS, which allow students to have one year experience to pursue their major field outside campus or in the professional world, also three years learning and gain experience in campus. 3+1 program consist of 5 main tracks, there are internship, study abroad, community development, research, and entrepreneur. This choice is given to the BINUS’ student to choose what track they want to take. In Communication program, 3+1 program can be take in 5thor 6thsemester and 7thsemester.
To facilitate students to choose, BINUS also have student advisory program, which include in the 3+1 program that involving the lecture to guide the student to choose the right track for them and give advice about the track and the steps that essentials for them. The lecturer role is really important because they have more experience in the professional world that need be shared to students.
Insight that student earn from the one year experience of professional world is really important before the student really dig into the real world after graduate. The experience can give them the bigger picture of professional world, and also practice for them. Besides that, there are a lot of company that only accept graduate with experience, because the company, especially big company they will be more selective because they do not have time to teach the worker from zero, they need experienced graduate, that can easily follow the work rhythm of the company.