RIG CBDE Committee Member

Research Interest Group (RIG) Consumer Behavior and Digital Ethics (CBDE) merupakan sebuah kelompok riset yang bersifat multi-disiplin dan multi-kampus. Sejumlah Faculty Member yang tergabung dalam RIG ini berasal dari BINUS@Malang, BINUS@Bandung, BINUS@Kemanggisan, BINUS@Alam Sutera, BINUS@Bekasi, dan BINUS@Semarang.
Komite dari RIG CBDE tampak dalam gambar sebagai berikut, dengan informasi tertera setelah gambar. Kunjungi juga Instagram kami di @cbde.binus
No | Kode dosen | Nama | Prodi/Fakultas | Lokasi |
1 | D3728 | Juneman Abraham | Psychology/Faculty of Humanities | BINUS@Kemangisan |
2 | D6161 | Etsa Astridya Setiyati | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP
(BINUS Business Shool-Undergraduate Program) |
BINUS@Malang |
3 | D6654 | Satria Fadil Persada | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP | BINUS@Malang |
4 | D6605 | Helena Hanindya Kartika Putri | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP | BINUS@Malang |
5 | D2693 | Robertus Tang Herman | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP | BINUS@Malang |
6 | D6284 | Mardhatillah Shanti | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP | BINUS@Malang |
7 | D5844 | Riesta Devi Kumalasari | Entrepreneurship Business Creation/BBS-UP | BINUS@Malang |
8 | D6453 | Mira Rustine | Creativepreneurship/BBS-UP | BINUS@Bandung |
9 | D6329 | Eriana Astuti | Creativepreneurship/BBS-UP | BINUS@Bandung |
10 | D6577 | Margareth Setiawan | Creativepreneurship/BBS-UP | BINUS@Bandung |
11 | D6455 | Sandy Setiawan | Creativepreneurship/BBS-UP | BINUS@Bandung |
12 | D5536 | Bambang Dwi Wijanarko | Computer Science/BINUS Online Learning Program | BINUS@Semarang |
13 | D5215 | Muhammad Aras | Master of Communication Study/BINUS Graduate Program | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
14 | D3468 | Sevenpri Candra | Management/BBS-UP | BINUS@Bekasi |
15 | D4529 | Yohannes Kurniawan | Information Systems/School of Information Systems | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
16 | D1026 | Suryadiputra Liawatimena | Computer Engineering/Faculty of Engineering | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
17 | D4794 | Moondore Madalina Ali | Psychology/Faculty of Humanities | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
18 | D2992 | Rudi Hartono Manurung | Japanese Literature/Faculty of Humanities | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
19 | D4473 | Teddy Indira Budiwan | Management/BBS-UP | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
20 | D3208 | Wing Ispurwanto | Psychology/Faculty of Humanities | BINUS@Kemanggisan |
21 | D6038 | Maria Grace Herlina | Management/BBS-UP | BINUS@Alam Sutera |