MoA Signing between BINUS University and INSTIPER Yogyakarta

On 30 April 2024, Prof. Dr. Bens Pardamean as Head of the Bioinformatics and Data Science Research Center (BDSRC) attended the signing of the MoA between Binus University and the Institut Pertanian STIPER (INSTIPER) Yogyakarta held at the INSTIPER Yogyakarta campus.

The MoA was signed by Prof. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si. as Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University, represented by Prof. Bens Pardamean, and Dr. Harsawardana, M.Eng., Rector of INSTIPER.

There are three topics agreed upon in this collaboration for the next 4 years (2024-2027): 1) development of a greenhouse plant growth observation system using IoT and AI technology; 2) modeling the impact of climate change on oil palmĀ plantations; and 3) monitoring forest health in collaboration with the forestry faculty.

This collaboration aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation, as well as pave the way for effective solutions that contribute to agricultural progress and environmental conservationĀ inĀ Indonesia.