Stunting Research in Serdang Bedagai District Coordination Meeting

On 1 February 2023, the Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Center (BDSRC) held a meeting with the representatives of research partners from the Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Serdang Bedagai and PT. Mega Medica Pharmaceuticals (PT. MMP).
This meeting is related to the progress report on the results and continuation of the Stunting research collaboration in Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai.
The meeting was opened with remarks from each representative. BINUS University was represented by Prof. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D. as the Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer (RTT), and accompanied by Noerlina as the Research Strategy & Policy Manager – RTT Office and Prof. Dr. Bens Pardamean as the Head of Bioinformatics BDSRC welcome partners in Room 512 BINUS University Anggrek Campus.
Pemkab Serdang Bedagai was represented by Mr. Budi, SE, MM as the Serdang Bedagai Development Acceleration Team and Mr. Selamat Hartono, S.K.M, M.K.M. as the Head of the Serdang Bedagai District Health Office, and Drs. Sutristo, the Director of PT. MMP also opened this coordination meeting with the following remarks.
The meeting continued with the main agenda related to the presentation of progress reports and results of stunting research in Serdang Bedagai Regency by Reza Rahutomo, S.Kom., M.MSI. as the PIC of the BDSRC team regarding this project.
On this occasion, Mr. Imam Bagus Sumantri, S. Farm., M.Si, Apt., a representative from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra also had the opportunity to deliver a presentation entitled “Combination of Snakehead Extract Syrup, Temulawak, Meniran, and Honey in Handling Preclinical Stunting ” which is expected to be used as additional supporting data for the report on the Stunting research collaboration project in Serdang Bedagai Regency.
This coordination meeting was closed with a discussion on the drafting of the Cooperation Agreement as a sign of a commitment to continue the collaboration on stunting research in Serdang Bedagai Regency.