Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Research

BDSRC as part of The Indonesian Colorectal Cancer Consortium (IC3) is collaborating with Vanderbilt University and University Hospital, Madrid to establish a joint research to study the early onset of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) cases in Indonesia population. The study is led by Andreana Natalie Holowatyj, Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University and Dr. José Perea García from University Hospital, Madrid.
The goal of this research is to identify the risk factors correspond to the progression of CRC case in individuals younger than 50 years old in Indonesia population. At this initial phase, we focus this study only on the analysis of phenotype factors including basic demography and dietary variables. We are also harmonizing our data to be included in the international consortium of early age onset colorectal cancer. By involving in this international work group, we hope that our study can yield bigger and broader impacts in this particular domain area.