Visit to Indonesian Cereals Research Institute (ICERI)

18 April 2017

Maros, South Sulawesi

Rice and corn are strategic commodities in Indonesia. Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Agriculture has set up very high target of production for this year and beyond. It needs the increase of productivity for both commodities.  Technology and innovation must be in place to support the national production target for both commodities. Indonesia Agency for Agriculture Research and Development (IAARD) and BINUS University, especially BDSRC, have been collaborated to establish data science system for both commodities. The visit of Dr. Bens Pardamean and Dr. Haryono to Indonesian Cereals Research Institute (ICERI) in Maros is aimed to strengthen and to follow up further establishment of data science as a foundation for breeders to create new varieties which will achieve high productivity and at the same will adapt to the climate change issue.