Design of Single User Decision Support System Model Based on Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting Algorithm to Reduce Consumer Confusion Problems in Smartphone Purchases

Nowadays, choosing the most suitable smartphone product is not an easy matter. A large number of product brands, technology features are offered, and unobjective product recommendation from others could make customers more difficult to choose. Therefore, this study proposed a single-user model of Decision Support System application based on Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting algorithm. It is purposed to facilitate customers to narrow down the set of smartphone product alternatives into several recommendations.

Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 717-732, 2014,, ISSN: 1314-7552 (online)

Robertus Nugroho Perwiro Atmojo, Anggita Dian Cahyani, Bahtiar Saleh Abbas, Bens Pardamean, Anindito, Imanuel Didimus Manulang

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