Volume 10 - Issue 2


Rancangan Optimalisasi Tata Letak Tempat Sampah menggunakan Algoritma Genetik

Malem Sendah Sembiring, Drs., MA, Yappar Thomasen, Ngarap Imanuel Manik

Trash is one of the causes of air pollution. Placement of trash cans in a location or region is very important in optimizing cleanliness and their functionality. By determining the optimal placement points of the trash can, it could be expected that the people will no longer litter and therefore


Relasi Ekuivalensi pada Subgrup Fuzzy

R. Sulaiman

Without any equivalence relation on set of fuzzy subgroups, the number of fuzzy subgroup is infinite, even for the trivial group #1050409;􀵌􁈼􀝁􁈽. First, definitions of fuzzy subset and fuzzy subgroup is given, then some theorems associated with them is derived. Secondly, definitions of equivalence relation are exp


Aplikasi K-Means Cluster untuk Pengelompokkan Provinsi berdasarkan Produksi Padi, Jagung, Kedelai, dan Kacang Hijau Tahun 2009

Edmira Rivani

Men with all of their ability are always trying to meet their needs in different ways. Food adequacy for a nation is very strategic. In this study, the main food crops that will be discussed are rice, corn, soybeans, and mungo beans. One of clustering algorithm is K-Means clustering, can


Sequential Non-Linear Model Updating

Sutawanir Darwis, Agus Yodi Gunawan, Sri Wahyuningsih, Nurtiti Sunusi, Aceng Komarudin Mutaqin, Nina Fitriyati

The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) has become a popular method in reservoir modeling. Several publications have demonstrated the use of EnKF, and suggested further developments of the method. In this paper, a constant flow rate no flow bounded reservoir is used to explore the applicability of EnKF. The reservoir modeling and


Uji Primalitas Lucas-Lehmer Menggunakan Program Komputer

Sangadji, Drs., M.Sc., Ph.D, Kelly Swandana

Several theories prime test have been developed to identify very large prime numbers. Each of these theories that have been developed up to now has not been really perfect in identifying prime numbers. However, the theory has been developed into the largest prime number search algorithm today is the Lucas-Lehmer theorem.


Optimalisasi Produksi menggunakan Metode Integer Programming di PT NP Tbk

Donny Kosidin, Edi Santoso, Ir., M.Sc., Zahedi

PT NP Tbk is a company engaged in manufacturing car batteries and motorcycle batteries are marketed domestically and abroad. Problems experienced by companies today is the difficulty of determining the optimal amount of production to obtain a maximum profit. Improper planning in determining the amount of production losses have an


Perancangan Program Simulasi Optimasi Penyusunan Barang dalam Kontainer menggunakan Algoritma Greedy

Wikaria Gazali, Ngarap Imanuel Manik

Due to the development of technology and the increasing requirement of goods delivery from one country to another, BG Express feels the need to improve its performance by using a computer program. This program will be used for optimizing the storage process in a container. The method used in designing this


Aplikasi Hukum Kirchoff-1 untuk Perhitungan Perubahan Tegangan Simpul Rangkaian Resistif

Entjie Mochamad Sobbich, Ir., MT.

Since the issuance of ISO-GUM as a guide for metrologist, the word sensitivity has been discussed more and implemented in analysis of uncertainty of measurement, and in this article is applied for analysis of error on a resistive network. Taylor series is a series that can be applied to analysis of

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