Dasar Bioinformatika dengan R

Data Science techniques has become popular to be applied in various research domains, Bioinformatics is one of them. The techniques applied in order to solve data complexity in bioinformatic researches. The complexity demands higher potential of the researchers themselves, especially in data processing and analyzing. A strong applied statistic understanding is necessary to process the data meanwhile still facilitate the researchers who came from non-computational background.

R is one of the solution for helping researchers in applying bioinformatic applications. R which an open source software completed by various statistical features,  it makes this software well-known among researchers.

The book titled “Dasar Bioinformatika dengan R” or “The Fundamental of Bioinformatics with R” covered several fundamental topics in functioning R starts from installation, using basic R techniques, using R in data processing, until descriptive statistics. Cases that related with bioinformatic with datasets are attached in several chapters to facilitate understanding the usage of R in bioinformatics.

Publisher: Teknosain (Graha Ilmu)
ISBN: 978-602-6324-41-2

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