Teaching Introduction to Accounting Team Based Learning as an Option in Teaching Methods

Team Based  (TBL) is one of learning methods that can give good benefits for students. However, several existing learning materials are not suitable for TBL. Because of that, TBL should be adjusted according to the characteristics of specific teaching materials. This paper presents a quantitative study on how TBL is implemented as one of the variations in an Introduction to Accounting class. This learning model is implemented for 3 different cohorts and compared with two other teaching models, i.e. conventional lecture and case study. The effect of this proposed learning model is measured by observing the class activity and evaluating the students’ final score. The result shows a statistically significant effect for TBL compared with the two other teaching models. This study also shows that Grade Point Average (GPA) score is the covariate that gives additional effect to comparative test in group from final score in every cohort.

International Conference on Education, Learning, and Assessment 2018

Hery Harjono Muljo, Teddy Suparyanto, Arif Budiarto, Bens Pardamean

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