Volume 17 - Issue 1
Teknik Komputer
Iman H. Kartowisastro, Antony Octavia, Chandra Mitra Supriyanto, Sukron
This article discloses the design and development process of a stair climbing mobile robot. The underlying design was created by considering the static balance and using the homogenous distribution method by creating a pneumatic based movable weight which allows the robot to complete the stair climbing operation. Evaluated results shows
Teknik Komputer
Lukas Siswanto Tanutama, Ir., MM, Handika Imom, Kevin, Thomas Fernando
When the network scale becomes bigger and bigger, network connection becomes very important. Managing a network requires 24 hours monitoring to reach high levels of availability. Process monitoring requires a network administrator to regularly be in front of the monitor screen to see the process happening. SMS (Short Message Service)
Teknik Komputer
Robby Saleh, Andri Effendy, Nabil, Yanti
The aim of the research is to design a remote monitoring system for computers and LCD projectors located in other rooms. The system comprises of a class module (slave) to monitor computer and projectors statuses in each room; and a master module located in every floor to receive statuses
Teknik Komputer
Wiedjaja, Anton Marius, Alfredo Antoni, Eddy Kurniawan
The reason and aim of this study is to find an alternative to queuing systems that exist today which has the main objective to provide more convenience for consumers in the queue. The research method used in this research is literature study, field study, designing a queuing system involving transmitter
Teknik Komputer
Jusuf Bintoro, Drs., MT., M. Satria Pinandita, Edi Santoso, Komang Oka
The purpose of this research is to design a PLC Simulator, that can be used to make it more easy for beginner users to understand programming and how it works. PLC simulator programming through IDE can be conducted, to design a PLC program using Ladder Diagram and Statement List. PLC
Teknik Komputer
Rudy Susanto. S.Kom., Adrianus Ananta, Arie Santoso, Mesakh Trianto
The purpose of the study, is to design a replacement for the current paper based absence system at Bina Nusantara University with a portable system that uses RFID cards (Radio Frequency Identification Device) as student identification. The existence of this system is expected to reduce usage of paper and can
Teknik Komputer
Syahrul, Hidayat
This article discloses result of research on design and implementation of centralized patient intravenous monitoring system. Currently, monitoring of patient IV liquids in hospital/clinic as well as in community health centers is generally done manually; in other word patient IV liquids must still be monitored directly by nurses therefore inefficie
Teknik Komputer
Kuat Rahardjo T.S., Ir., MT., Yanto, Zulman, Dina Octarina
In an indoor badminton stadium, lighting is important for players to be able to play well. Generally, indoor badminton stadium uses switches to turn on or off the lights manually. The disadvantages of using switches are damages to the bulb are not known to the staff and lights are on