Volume 9 - Issue 1


Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Pengetahuan Statistika terhadap Pemahaman Statistika

Septie Wulandary, Bagus Sumargo, Ir., M.Si., Dr.

Article discusses the influence of emotional quotient and statistics knowledge to the statistic comprehension. Based on data, there is interesting phenomena in Institute of Statistics (IoS), which is the grade value in first level and second level, especially the one connected with statistic is variety; it means the student comprehensive


Analisis Pengaruh Cognitive Load Bagi Kecepatan Mahasiswa Mengenali Pola Stimuli Visual

Nathanael G. Sumaktoyo

Cognitive load has long been hypothesized to have deteriorating effects toward individuals performances in doing any tasks. Article intended to examine such effects in the term of students speed in recognizing visual stimuli patterns. The cognitive load was represented by the length of the stimuli and whether there was or


Optimalisasi Tata Letak Penyimpanan Barang Menggunakan Algoritma Tree Search

Ngarap Imanuel Manik, Eric Karsono, Malem Sendah Sembiring, Drs., MA

Arrange storage goods is important problem for some companies, including DJ Company because of its goods repository is more limited. Therefore, computer program algorithm that is able to arrange the position storage goods is optimally required. Article described solution of the problem by using algorithm of Tree Search along with


Model Optimasi Ukuran Blok Optimal Kriteria Minimisasi Total Waktu Tinggal Aktual

umar wiwi, Zahedi

Article proposes optimization model to determine optimal block measurement subject to all production conditions concurrently to center main machine ship cases. The proposed model created from single machine batch scheduling model by Halim et. al.(1993a, 1993b, 1994) with fit batch measurement to block measurement subject to technical conditions in


Pendugaan Umur Anti Karat Kendaraan Mobil dengan Metode Regresi Spilines Kuadrat Terkecil

Grace Ratna Sari, Sutoro, Dr., Haryono Soeparno

The technology is growing fast, especially in the transportation. At present, the most of vehicle used for transportation is car. Therefore, car producers face tightly competition in serving costomers comfort. One of the problems is the existing of rust on cars body. Anti-rust product could be used to prevent the


Penerapan Metode Laplacianfaces pada Komputer untuk Pengenalan Wajah

Wikaria Gazali, Djunaidy Santoso, Dipl.Ing., M.Kom.

Face recognition represent important matter and it expands in data identity system/information at present. From some method that were able to finish the problem was of Laplacianfaces method which representing one part of mathematics science. To make the application easy it was is assisted by computer program of Borland Delphi


Metode Pangkat Balik Tergeser untuk Mencari Nilai Eigen dan Vektor Eigen

Sangadji, Drs., M.Sc., Ph.D

Article discusses the shifted power method as the extension of the power method. The shifted power method also requires a good starting approximation for obtaining an eigen value and then iteration is used to obtain an exact solution. It assumes that the eigen values are real and distinct. Cases involving


Peranan Uji Normalitas dalam Analisis Kadar Ketergantungan Antara Faktor Kuantitatif dengan Koefisien Korelasi

Iwa Sungkawa, Drs., MS.

Article discusses the necessary of normality test for data observation data before carrying out the analysis. Therefore, analysis which involves of various distributions could be guaranteed legally. The t distribution is used for the analysis of the relation and dependence between two quantitative factors. The t distribution is formed

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