Volume 8 - Issue 2


Pengembangan Model Keputusan Penerimaan Order Berbasis Penjadwalan Mesin Paralel Non Identik dengan Algoritma Genetika

Rizal Arryadi, Ami Amalia Behardi

Article focused on the implementation of genetic algorithms in scheduling parallel, non-identical machines in a make-to-order environment, with the objective of maximizing profit. Eventually, the model will further be used for an order acceptance model in a garment company. A new chromosome representation has beens developed in order to simplify t


Minimasi Downtime Tool Punch Mesin Heading pada Preventive Maintenance dengan Metode Age Replacement

Edi Santoso, Edwin Julianto Chairul

Production machines can be a barrier for the on time product availability. If there is no time consideration of the usage of production machines or less in maintenance, the machines will not be used in product processing. In the case of tool punch Heading machine in which the machine need


Strategi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri Software di Indonesia

Anggara Hayun A.

The development of information and telecommunication (IT) industries is very fast in the world, and haves been effected by Indonesian software industry development. The Indonesian software industrial market shares a more growth every year. The growth market demands a readiness of human resource development (HRD). Then, a human resources strategic


Aplikasi Simulasi untuk Peramalan Permintaan dan Pengelolaan Persediaan yang Bersifat Probabilistik

Bambang Sugiharto

One of the important aspect on plan and production control is the management of inventory. However, a good inventory management is easily implemented, particularly when it involves some probabilistic parameter. There are two important parameters that usually behave probabilistically, those are demand and lead time. To overcome this situation, a si


Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) pada PT Palko Sari Eka

Siti Nur Fadlillah A.

Inventory system is one of the essential managerial functions because most of companies have a big investment in this aspect. PT Palko Sari Eka as an oil refinery company, uses Crude Coconut Oil as a dominant raw material to its production process activities. An optimal Inventory system is very important


Model Simulasi Sistem Pelayanan Restoran Yuraku Komplek DBest Kelapa Gading

Ronald Sukwadi

Yuraku Restaurant in Kelapa Gading area which opens only from 6 p.m to 10 p.m., is very famous for its good taste. Yuraku is also well known for its service system in which the server itself will serve the food for the customer, so that they dont have to serve


Analisis Perencanaan Produksi Disagregat Family DVD pada PT XYZ

Hans Prasetya, Nunung Nurhasanah

The most recently problem that used to happened at PT XYZ is about production planning (Master Production Scheduling). Production planning in this company always takes so many times. To solve the problem, this research was trying to develop a disaggregate production planning. The steps were, demand forecasting, production capacity planning, and

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