Volume 8 - Issue 1


Simulasi Nilai Penjualan Produk Berbahan Baku Jahe Ginseng: Studi Kasus PT XYZ

Nunung Nurhasanah

The variation of five product using ginger ale that was produced by XYZ company was a potential product interested by customers. The selling value in the future was modeled based on dynamic simulation approach using Powersim. The selling value result for the last December 2007 period was Rp.3.137.460.000,00. The simulation result


Pengembangan Model Konseptual: Peran TQM dalam Kepemimpinan Berkualitas untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan

Ronald Sukwadi

At present, Incorporating Total Quality Management (TQM) for working environment becomes a great challenge. Leadership issue is often said to be the core problems in a company, not only in the relation of TQM implementation, but also in directing company towards a highly-competitive and long term survival. Managerial leadership plays


Strategi Perusahaan dalam Pengembangan Produk Baru: Penelitian Kasus Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

Evo S. Hariandja, Arief W. Kautsar

Article explores the practice of new product development, especially in manufacture industry in Indonesia. It involves many instruments consist of new product development strategy, development process, organization relation with new product development, and performance evaluation of the new product itself. From the research it can be known that 60%


Inovasi Pemasaran untuk Produk Industri

Januar Heryanto

In todays increasing competitive world, innovation is a key to success. Innovation can happened in one of more processes, such as meetings, brainstorming, Research & Development valuation of the market, or a suggestion from any directions. Innovation in relations with customers is the greatest source of new ideas, where special


Studi Kritis Atas Uji Kecukupan Data

Budi Aribowo

Data proficiency test that often used in research, especially in ergonomic and working system design to determine whether the number of the sample was sufficient or not, basically did not have a strong foundation. It was happened because the calculation of the used model was applied for N population having


The Goal Programming Model to Optimize Acceptance Sampling

Landjono Josowidagdo

Article presents a programming method that operates characteristic identical sampling procedures having different operation but the results are similar. Article describes the mathematical approach for information technology concerning of the double acceptance of the double sampling plans and to indicate how Non-Linear Programming (NLP) solves a g


Penerapan Sistem Pergudangan Cross Docking pada Industri Retail yang sedang Berkembang

Niken Parwati

Article presents how to design a warehouse system that pose challenge in a retail industry which was bared on cost efficiency while the market expects fashionable new products regularly, it required effective supply chain system. In this case, the new warehousing system was designed to cope with double growth within

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