Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index: A Rasch Model Analysis

152 Abstract


The research aimed to calibrate Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI) using instrument with RASCH MODEL. The respondents were 672 teachers of elementary, junior high, high school and vocational school. The number of items planned was 165 items with the initial reliability of 0.98. The ITEI scale uses Likert Scale (1 to 4) which was converted from ordinal scale to Equal Interval Scale. RASCH MODEL analysis was done by selecting based on Outfit Mean Square (MNSQ) between 0.5-1.5 as a good item, and measuring Point Measure Correlation (Pt Mean Corr) with the criterion of 0.4-0.85. Moderate Outfit Z-Standard (ZSTD) was ignored because the sample was >500. Conclusions: ITEI is valid with 30 items and reliability of 0.97, and less engage teachers significantly at α <0.05. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

ITEI, Rasch Model, Analysis
Research Type
Multi Years
Research Status
Completed Research
Funding Institution
Binus University
Source of Fund
Penelitian Internasional Binus