Corruption Cases Mapping Based on Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index

Corruption Cases Mapping Based on Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index


Government plays an important role in nation economic growth. Nevertheless, there are still many occurrences of government officers abusing their offices to do an act of corruption. In this order, the central government should pay attention to every area in the nation to avoid corruption case. Meanwhile, the news media always constantly preach about corruption case, this makes the news media relevant for being one of the sources of measurement of corruption perception index (CPI). It is required to map the corruption case in Indonesia so the central government can pay attention to every region in Indonesia. To develop the mapping system, researchers use Naïve Bayes Classifier to classify which news articles talk about corruption and which news articles are not, before implementing a Naïve Bayes Classifier there are some text processing such as tokenizing, stopping, and stemming. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

Economics, Mapping, Sodium, Text processing, Corruption Cases, Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index
Research Type
Multi Years
Research Status
Completed Research
Funding Institution
Binus University
Source of Fund
Penelitian Internasional Binus