Yasinta  Indrianti, M. Psi., Psikolog

Yasinta Indrianti, M. Psi., Psikolog

Yasinta Indrianti, M. Psi., Psikolog

Associate Member RIG-EduTech

Research field:

  • Organizational Diagnostic for Education
  • Positive Psychology in Education


Performance Change with or Without ITEI Apps

Teacher Engagement Interventions Through ITEI Apps

The Repercussions of Game Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

A Neural Network Based Approach for Predicting Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI)

The Influence of User Experience Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Game Toward Adaptive Learning

The Effect of Game Experience from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The Determinants of the Socio-cultural Ecology Architect’s Competence

Empirical Study of Architect Competencies in Supporting the Realization of Sustainability in Architecture

Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website sasmoko.com

Designing Website E-Learning Based on Integration of Technology Enhance Learning and Human Computer Interaction

Optimising Human Capital via Positive Organisational Behaviour: A Case Study of Indonesia’s Textile Industry

Role of Foundations in Promoting Social Entrepreneurship for Community Welfare

Applying Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI) Apps: Self-diagnostic Apps for Teachers in Indonesia

Designing Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI) Applications Based on Android

Develop Applications based on Android: Teacher Engagement Control of Health (TECH)

W.A.W (we are watching) Smart App: Accommodating Social Perception Towards Public Officers’ Performance

Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI): An Emerging Concept of Teacher Engagement in Indonesia

Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index: A Rasch Model Analysis

Jakarta Socio-cultural Ecology: A Sustainable Architecture Concept in Urban Neighbourhood

An Evidence-based Model of Teacher Engagement in Indonesia: Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI)

Model Artificial Intelligent in E-Learning Using Fuzzy Logic (Case Study Sasmoko.Com)

Usability Efficiency Analysis on E-Learning Websites

Statistical Learning Game Application Assets for 5th Grade Elementary School Student

Neuroresearch: Another Form of Mixed Method

Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI): Decision Support System for Education

Corruption Early Prevention: Decision Support System for President of the Republic of Indonesia

Construct Theoretical: Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI)

The Role of Transformational Leadership in Generating Work Engagement to The Volunteers of Humanity Organization

Diagnostic Evaluation of Lecturer Quality in Learning Process at “New Private Higher Education Institutions” in Tangerang, Indonesia

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