Prof. Michael Frese

Topic: “Leading R&D Teams”
Prof. Frese holds appointments at Asia Business School (Malaysia) and Leuphana University of Lueneburg (Germany). Before that, he was Head of Dept. and Provost chair at NUS Business School (now on leave for 2020); Prior appointments were chair for work and organizational psychology at University of Giessen and visiting professors at London Business School; also University of Bremen, University of Pennsylvania, Munich and Amsterdam (UvA). Ranked third in life time publications among German management professors (BWL-Handelsblatt-Rankings 2012, 2014) and among the five most cited economists in Germany (Scopus Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ranking on Research 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018; the German term economist includes management), he is the most frequently cited work and organizational psychologist and organizational behavior scientist in Germany and Asia and one of the most frequently cited Europeans (h=index 105; ca. 54,000 Google Scholar citations with 11 articles cited more than 1000 times; i10=260; Web of Science: ca 12,700 cites, h=56, with two papers being in the top 1% of the field and 5 being cited more than 500 times; Scopus: ca 15,000; h=60). In Google scholar he belongs to the 10 most frequently cited active scholars in Management, Organizational Behavior, and Entrepreneurship worldwide.