About ICOBAR 2021

ICOBAR2021 Has Been Included in the 4th Quarter Forthcoming Issue 2021 by IOP
To continue past discussion and results from the second conference, the third ICOBAR will be hosted on 24-25 June 2021.
Responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, Binus University will also host the 3rd International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR 2021) through online platform. With the aim to promote the notion of “biospheric harmony” as a concept to highlight the efforts to live in harmony with the environment in the human-dominated era, the ICOBAR 2021 invites scientific papers from domestic and international speakers and participants.
In ICOBAR 2021, the topic will be focused on “Sustainable Innovation: Science and Technology to Foster and Empower the Society”. As we realized the continuous growth in research activities around the world, we would like to propose a movement to rethink the purpose of the research. Sustainable innovation means doing a research that considers the sustainability factor such as environmental, social, financial aspects in their proposed technology, which is integrated from ideation to commercialization and its use in the society. Such innovation may be incremental, redesign, alternative, or even disruptive technology which help us to attain the same goal that we proposed in the first and second ICOBAR, “biospheric harmony”.
The committee welcomes researchers and practitioners from academia, industries, research institutions, R&D enterprise services, and governmental organizations to exchange innovative ideas and contribution around the conference topics. Submitted papers should be an original and unpublished work from individuals which theme should match with the topics set in the conference. In addition, papers should be between five to eight pages in length including figures, tables, references, and appendices.