
A review of collisions in cryptographic hash function used in digital forensic tools

Type of Publication
Conference Article
Rasjid Z. E, Soewito B, Witjaksono G and Abdurachman . E.. A review of collisions in cryptographic hash function used in digital forensic tools,
  • Zulfany Erlisa Rasjid, B.Sc., MMSI.

    Zulfany Erlisa Rasjid, B.Sc., MMSI.

  • Benfano Soewito, M.Sc., Ph.D

    Benfano Soewito, M.Sc., Ph.D

  • Gunawan Witjaksono, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D

    Gunawan Witjaksono, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Abdurachman, MS., M.Sc.

    Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Abdurachman, MS., M.Sc.