ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Methods behind the Machine

Abstract: Institut Pertanian STIPER (INSTIPER) and Artificial Intelligent Research and Development Center (AI R&D Center) of Bina Nusantara University have collaborated to establish the Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center for Agroindustry (AIRICA). Under the auspicious of INSTIPER, AIRICA is to become the Center for Plantation and Forestry Industry Education Excellence.

AIRICA was created from the desire to realize the NEW INSTIPER with ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY (NIwAT). AIRICA provides a forum for researchers, students, and institutions to cultivate a multitude for collaborations and innovations in the field of agroindustry.

Publisher: INSTIPER Press

ISBN: 978-602-51151-5-8

James W Baurley, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Arif Budiarto, Reza Rahutomo, Bharuno Mahesworo, Teddy Suparyanto, Harsawardana, Bens Pardamean

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